Betsy skin care tips: Do you need to use facial cleanser in the morning and evening?

Decide according to your skin type. If you have oily skin, you should use facial cleanser in the morning and evening. If you have normal or dry skin, you don’t need to use facial cleanser in the morning to avoid burdening the skin. Just wipe your face with a wet towel. , but you should wash your face with facial cleanser at night.


Everyone’s skin oil production is different. Depending on the season and temperature, the skin’s oil production will also change. Therefore, of course, how to wash your face cannot be generalized.


For those with oily skin, like a friend of mine who has oily skin, he gets oily all year round and can use up two oil-absorbing papers in one morning. If you have skin like this, you probably have to use facial cleanser morning and night all year round. Otherwise, if there is too much oil, it will be very easy for the mouth to close. Of course, if you live in a very dry place in the north, you don’t need to use facial cleanser in winter mornings.


If you have combination skin like mine, you can use facial cleanser morning and night in summer. When you wake up in the morning and you can’t feel too much oil on your face, don’t use facial cleanser. Like me in the south, I have to use facial cleanser twice until autumn. If you are a girl in the north, you can use facial cleanser less frequently after summer.


Finally, if you have dry skin, don’t try to use facial cleanser twice a day, unless you go out to dig wells and dig coal today and become disgraced. If you encounter a sensitive period, it is best to just wash your face with water, otherwise it will only make things worse.

 facial wash

Is it good to use facial cleanser morning and night?


Facial cleanser is better to use at night than in the morning. It must be used at night, and a more powerful facial cleanser should be used at night, and a milder facial cleanser can be used in the morning. Girls’ skin types can be divided into dry skin, oily skin, combination skin, normal skin and sensitive skin.


1. Girls with dry skin don’t need to use facial cleanser in the morning and just use water to wash their face.


2. Girls with oily skin can use a strong cleansing cleanser in the morning and evening.


3. Girls with mixed skin and neutral skin should use a more powerful facial cleanser at night and a milder facial cleanser in the morning.


4. Girls with sensitive skin should use a facial cleanser specifically designed for sensitive skin in the morning and evening.

Post time: Nov-20-2023
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