The effect of the insulating cream

It is a common cosmetic in modern skin care and makeup, and its role can be summarized as follows:
1. Isolation between makeup and skin: isolation cream forms a protective film between makeup and skin, avoiding direct contact between makeup and skin, reducing the irritation and damage of makeup on skin.
2. Isolation of dirty air: The isolation cream can block the direct contact between pollutants and dust in the air and the skin to a certain extent, protecting the skin from pollution.

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3. Sun protection: Many creams contain sunscreen ingredients that provide a degree of UV protection, although they are often less effective than specialized sunscreens.
4. Adjust skin tone: Isolation cream usually has a variety of colors, can be used to adjust and even skin tone, such as green isolation cream can neutralize red, purple isolation cream is suitable for yellow skin tone.
5. Anti-radiation: For people who often face computers, isolation cream can reduce the damage of electromagnetic radiation to the skin.
6. Provide basic care: Cleansing and skin care is necessary before applying the cream, which can provide a smoother and moisturized skin base for makeup, making makeup more durable and durable. 
 When using the cream, you need to be careful to use the right amount and apply it evenly to avoid accumulation on your face, so that it can work better. At the same time, it should also be noted that even with the use of isolation cream, makeup removal and cleaning at night are still necessary to ensure skin health.

Post time: Sep-26-2024
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