The history of blush

Blush, as a cosmetic product used to add a rosy and three-dimensional feel to the face, has an equally long history dating back to ancient civilizations. 
 The use of blush was quite common in ancient Egypt. Ancient Egyptians considered makeup an important part of daily life, and they used red ore powder (such as hematite) to apply to the cheeks to add ruddness to the face.

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In addition, they also use other natural colors to decorate the face, making the face look more healthy and vibrant. 
 Blushers were also popular in ancient Greece. The ancient Greeks believed that natural complexion was a symbol of beauty, so when participating in public activities, people often used blush to imitate the natural ruddness after exercise. At the time, blush was called “ruddy” and was usually made of vermilion or red ochre. 
 The ancient Romans also inherited this tradition. Blush was widely used in Roman society, regardless of gender, both men and women used blush to modify the face. The blusher used by the Romans was sometimes laced with lead, a practice that was generally accepted at the time, although it was harmful to health in the long run. 
 During the Middle Ages, the customs of making up in Europe underwent some changes. There was a time when overly obvious makeup was considered immoral, especially in religious circles.

However, blush as a slight embellishment is still accepted by some social classes. 
 During the Renaissance, with the revival of art and science, makeup became fashionable again. Blush of this period was usually made from natural pigments such as laterite or rose petals. 
 In the 18th and 19th centuries, the use of blush became more common, especially among the upper classes. Blush from this period is usually used in powder form, and sometimes mixed in creams.

At the beginning of the 20th century, with the rise of the modern cosmetics industry, the forms and types of blush became more diverse. Powder, paste and even liquid blushes are beginning to appear on the market. At the same time, with the influence of Hollywood movies, blush has become an important tool for shaping screen image. 
 Modern blush not only comes in a wide variety of forms, including powder, paste, liquid and cushion, but also in a richer variety of colors, from natural flesh to vivid red, to meet the needs of different skin tones and makeup styles. 
 The history and origin of blush reflect the changes in human society’s pursuit of beauty and aesthetic standards, and also witness the development of makeup technology and cosmetics industry.

Post time: Sep-11-2024
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