The history of loose powder

Loose powder as a kind of beauty cosmetics, has a long history. Its origins can be traced back to ancient civilizations, when people began to use various substances to decorate their bodies and faces.

In ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, lepeop used various powders for beauty and ritual purposes. These powders are usually made of natural minerals such as lime, lead white, red earth, etc., mainly used to change the color of the face, increase charm, but also to cover sweat spots, freckles and other skin blemishes. 
 The composition and uses of loose powder have evolved over time. During the Renaissance, the use of loose powder for beauty became very popular among the nobility of Europe.

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Loose powder of this period was mainly made from safer substances such as starch, flour and pearl powder. 
 Until the advent of modern beauty products, especially the popularity of basic cosmetics such as liquid foundation, the main function of loose powder has changed. It is no longer mainly used to change the skin tone, but more used for setting, that is, to remove the greasy luster caused by sweat and sebum, and improve the retention of makeup. 
 The variety and functions of modern loose powders are more diverse, from clear loose powders to loose powders with covering effects, from makeup setting to providing sunscreen functions, to meet the needs of different consumers.

Take Red Lovers Loose Powder, for example. The history of the brand dates back to 1997, when dodo cosmetics entered the European market and became an instant success. Subsequently, it stood out in the competition of major international cosmetics brands, and in 2007, its red lover loose powder set a record of first sales in the Japanese market, which also reflects the important position and widespread popularity of loose powder in the contemporary cosmetics market. 
 In general, the history of loose powder is closely related to the history of human’s pursuit of beauty, and its evolution and development reflect the changes of social aesthetic concepts and technological progress.

Post time: Sep-12-2024
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