What is lipstick made of

The production materials of lipstick mainly include wax, grease, pigment and other additives. ‌

‌ wax ‌ : Wax is one of the main substrates of lipstick, providing the hardness and durability of lipstick. Commonly used waxes include paraffin wax, beeswax, floor wax and so on. These waxes work in lipsticks to increase hardness and prevent them from deforming or cracking when applied. ‌

matte lip fashion
‌ grease ‌ : Grease is another important ingredient in lipstick, which provides a smooth texture and moisturizing effect. Commonly used oils include vegetable glycerin, castor oil, mineral oil and so on. These oils make lipstick easier to apply while keeping your lips moist.
‌ pigment ‌ : pigment is an indispensable component in lipstick, which provides color and hiding power for lipstick. Commonly used pigments include titanium dioxide, iron oxide, carbon black and so on. These pigments can be mixed in different proportions to get the desired color and hiding power.
‌ Other additives ‌ : In addition to the main ingredients mentioned above, a number of other additives may be added to lipstick to enhance its performance or increase its beauty. For example, essences can increase the fragrance of lipstick, preservatives can prevent lipstick deterioration, and antioxidants can maintain the stability of lipstick.
In addition, some special types of lipsticks may also contain other specific ingredients. Lip balms, for example, often contain more oils to enhance the moisturizing effect; Lip glazes may contain dyes and polymers to provide a thicker color and a smoother surface. ‌

When making lipsticks, different combinations and ratios of raw materials can produce lipsticks with different textures, colors and fragrances. For example, cochineal can be used to make lipstick, although its cultivation cost is high, but because of its high safety, it is often used in high-end cosmetics. ‌

Post time: Aug-31-2024
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