What is the focus of skin care?

Regarding skin care, in fact, the skin care priorities of different age groups are different. Let Beaza share with you what the skin care priorities of 20-40 year olds are and see if you are on the right track!


1. Focus on skin care for those aged 20-25


At this time, the condition of the skin itself is still very good. The main thing is to pay attention to your hygiene habits to avoid acne and keep the skin moisturized at all times with sufficient moisture in it.


1) Dry skin


You can use a relatively oily night cream. If it feels very greasy, you can use a tissue to absorb it within 10 minutes after applying it. Because within 10 minutes, the required amount of nutrients that the skin can absorb has entered the epidermal cells, so it will not be wasted or ineffective.


2) Oily skin


Use a cleansing product with rich foam when cleansing. For facial creams, use oil-controlling creams and plant-based essence creams. Wash your face with warm water to remove excess oil on your face. The best water temperature should be close to human body temperature. Eat more cabbage, leeks, bean sprouts, lean meat, and beans, and supplement enough vitamins, proteins, fatty acids, and water to help fat metabolism, reduce facial oil, and make the skin rosy and elastic. Moisture is especially important for oily skin, so be sure to drink plenty of water.


2. The focus of skin care for those aged 25-30: preventing and resisting wrinkles


1) External use: water-containing compounds, creams, moisturizing masks or creams, moisturizing gels and creams (for facial creams, it is best to choose creams without side effects to prevent premature skin maturation, so essences are also appropriate according to the time), It can maintain the flexibility and elasticity of the skin and prevent external aggression.


2) Internal use: light food, such as: water, vitamin C, B vitamins, shepherd’s purse, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, peas, fungus, milk, etc. The main function is to delay aging and prevent the secretion of subcutaneous oil glands from decreasing, resulting in weakened skin gloss and rough skin.


Secondly, at this age, you should also pay attention to avoid exposure to the sun and prevent the occurrence of freckles and wrinkles.


3. Focus on skin care for those in their 30s and 40s: Prevent skin dryness and fading of luster


1) External use: Use anti-wrinkle and moisturizing cream products, and nutritional masks are also necessary for care. Moreover, the moisturizing and anti-wrinkle serum can maintain the original elasticity and moisture of the skin and reduce wrinkles. It is important to emphasize that using eye cream can help reduce eye bags and dark circles.


2) Internal use: Add more water, fresh fruits, vegetables, animal proteins containing collagen (such as pig trotters, pork skin, fish, lean meat, etc.). Eating more of these foods can prevent dry skin, crow’s feet, muscle relaxation, etc. In addition, it is also important to ensure 8 hours of sleep every day.

Post time: Dec-12-2023
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